Luis Moreno Arias

Born in Mexico and raised in Las Vegas, NV, Luis pursued a Bachelors Degree in photography and videography from the University of Nevada, Reno. Soon after he moved to Atlanta, GA where he currently resides and works.

Luis got his passion for visual arts through the photography program at Rancho High School where he first picked up a camera. Soon after, he was entering his work into art competitions and art galleries and participated in Skills USA competing in the photography genre. His success in photography led him to the world of film and videography.

After leaving Las Vegas, Luis enrolled at the University of Reno, Nevada where he studied photo and video as well as theatre and cinema studies. Here he picked up skills such as screenwriting, professional printing, green screen work, and much more.

Since being at UNR, Luis has had the opportunity to work in several different positions such as; Photo Lab Technician, Gallery Attendant, Social Media and Marketing Director, Operations Manager, and Peer Mentoring. This allowed him to move to Atlanta, GA to pursue a career in visual arts.
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